We finally have a date! August 31st :)
9th and 10th graders will report to the gym after school at 3:30 for tryouts to start at 3:45. If you are an E-learner and will be at home with your class until 3:30- I understand and please just arrive at school as safely as possible.
Aug 31st & Sept 1st: 9th and 10th grade -3:45-5:15 pm
Aug 31st & Sept 1st: 11th and 12th grade- 5:30-7:00 pm
You MUST have all your paperwork either turned in and cleared with the athletic director- or please bring with you on the 31st.
No parents are allowed on campus per Return-to-Play Covid protocols.
Please note- there will be only be a JV and Varsity team this season. This was a school board decision. It will be a tough set-back for our program. We've had the strongest Freshmen Volleyball team in the county for the past decade...but as we always do- we will come out of this HAWK STRONG.
I hope everyone has a great first week of school- stay safe and I'll see you on the 31st. Coach Wayne